Since february 2022 I have a Exhibitionspace/shoppingwindow at my disposal in the centre of Geldrop. This building houses Noorderlicht Academy, a learningcentre for awareness, spirituality and personal mastery.
The Academy is decorated with some of my work and I have my own shoppingwindow “de Kleine Ruimte”, a space spanning 7 x 2,5 m.
It is called “de Kleine Ruimte”(“The Little Space”) because former to the Academy this space was a Gallery called “De Ruimte”(“The Space”) and now I have a small part of it at my disposal.
I am very greatfull fot this space, to exhibit work and also to experiment with new work.
Every now and than I organise it with new work and/or experimental work, see photos. It is ment to be looked at from the outside, like a regular shoppingwindow.